Power Potion: Vivi asks Reiji for a potion to make her stronger. A nearby Annabelle overhears and decides to put Vivi, Noela and Mina through soldier training with Noela even forcing Reiji to join in. As no one except Noela is fit enough to meet Annabelle’s standards Reiji alters his original energy potion and creates ''Power Potion'' which aids muscle recovery after exercise, making building muscles more efficient...
RK Gene Fluid: Ejil has made no progress romancing Noela and demands a potion to fix it. As no such potion exists Reiji wondes if he can at least help them get along as colleagues in the shop. Noela explains she has an instinctive dislike of Ejil’s scent but likes Reiji’s a lot so Reiji brews ''RK Gene Fluid'' based on his scent for Ejil to add to his food and alter his scent chemically...